Seminars for Groups from LWF Member Churches

Lutherstadt Wittenberg offers a unique setting for conventions and other groups from member churches of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF). Church groups will find a contact person at the LWF Center Wittenberg for input about programs and side events of training courses lasting several days. In consultation with the group’s leaders, staff can support the arrangement of the conference (theme, lecturers, accommodation, visits to Reformation sites, etc.).

For years, for example, the Diocese of Haderslev of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark has visited Wittenberg with pastors newly transferred to the diocese.

We also welcome interest from your church. Feel free to contact us at

Next Groups

26 - 29 August 2024
Pastors’ Convention Haderslev Diocese, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark

Would you like to register with a group?

Please use the contact form or write to us at:

“Annually, we invite all pastors who are new to one of the 203 pastorates in Haderslev Diocese (Denmark) to a four-day seminar in Wittenberg. There we work together with the LWF Center Wittenberg. Most pastors gratefully accept the offer and take the opportunity to get ‘back to the roots’, so to speak, in Lutherstadt Wittenberg. To this day, the history of the Reformation connects the town of Haderslev with Wittenberg; and the Wittenberg Castle Church congregation has a partnership with the Cathedral Church congregation in Haderslev.”

Rev. Christa Hansen, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark
2021, photo: Karin Friedrichsen

Impressions from the Seminars

Bishop Marianne Christiansen (Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark) (front right), Pastor Joachim Zirkler, LWF Center Wittenberg (front left), with the Pastors’ Convention participants from Haderslev Diocese in 2018. In the background is the altar cloth (antependium) with the Luther rose made and donated by Her Majesty Queen Margaret II of Denmark for the Castle Church in Wittenberg. Photo: LWF Center Wittenberg
Taking a rest at the sandstone portal at the Luther House in Wittenberg. 2016, photo: LWF Center Wittenberg
Bishop Marianne Christiansen (5th from left), Pastor Christa Hansen (far right), and pastors from the Haderslev Diocese in Denmark visit the Genthin congregation during their 2015 retreat in Wittenberg. Photo: LWF Center Wittenberg
Members of the 2017 Pastors’ Convention of the Haderslev Diocese in Denmark meet in the market square in Wittenberg for a city tour. Photo: LWF Center Wittenberg

Do you have questions about our seminars?

Please contact us. We are happy to answer your questions.

International Seminars for Pastors
Retreat of Newly Elected Leaders (RoNEL)
International Seminars for Laypersons in Church Leadership
International Seminars for Alumni
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